速報APP / 教育 / Chess Tactics - Learn The Winning Chess

Chess Tactics - Learn The Winning Chess


檔案大小:57.7 MB

版本需求:需要 iOS 6.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Chess Tactics - Learn The Winning Chess Strategy(圖1)-速報App

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Learn How To Play Chess - Start winning more Games on a regular Basis learning Chess Strategies for Beginners and beat your Opponent.

Learn Easy, step-by-step, illustrated instructions for Chess Tactics:

How to Play Chess

How to Play Chess for Beginners

How to Begin Mastering Chess

How to Win Chess Almost Every Time

How to Become a Better Chess Player

How to Open in Chess

How to Play Advanced Chess: 3 Steps

How to Play Solo Chess: 10 Steps

How to Use Psychology to Win Chess Games

How to Improve Your Chess Opening

How to Checkmate in 3 Moves in Chess: 7 Steps

How to Set up a Chessboard

3 Ways to Teach Chess

The Chess Tactics Videos:

How To Play Chess

Chess Openings

Chess Tactics - Learn The Winning Chess Strategy(圖2)-速報App

Chess Tactics

Chess Strategy

How To Win Chess

How to Set Up the Chess Board

How to Use the Knight in Chess

How to Use the Bishop in Chess

How to Use the Rook in Chess

How to Use the Queen in Chess

How to Use the King in Chess

How to Use Chess Notation

What Is Calculation in Chess

What Is Centering in Chess

What Is Space in Chess

What Is Tempo in Chess

How to Attack in Chess

How to Defend in Chess

How to Achieve Checkmate

Sicilian Defense in Chess

Ruy Lopez in Chess

Chess Tactics - Learn The Winning Chess Strategy(圖3)-速報App

Italian Game in Chess

Chess Tactics - Learn The Winning Chess Strategy(圖4)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad